Palatine IL Family Photographertel 414.333.1583hello@sarahiltonphotography.comPalatine, IL Photographer

Looking for a photographer in Chicagoland? Want to know more about what it's like to work with me? Send me a message right here and I'll give you all the details. Phone numbers are so helpful just in case of email issues!


Can't wait to hear from you!

~ Sara Hilton


Location: Palatine, IL and the surrounding NW Suburbs of Chicago

Email: hello@sarahiltonphotography.com

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see recent work on my instagram@sarahiltonphotography

At home headshots 📸

I bring the lights to you, all I need is a wall! 
Thank you to my lovely client for letting me take a little behind-the-scenes video. 😘

#palatineheadshots #palatinephotographer #rollingmeadowsphotographer #arlingtonheightsphotographer #chicagoheadshots
Good beer, good cheer 🍻

I was looking forward to seeing the expansion that was done at @noonwhistlebrewing in Lombard…five years ago!  Sorry it took me so long, because it looks beautiful and the food was amazing!  This was an event for a Cook county nonprofit, and it was a great success - with fun photos as proof.  Can’t wait to share the gallery with all of the participants! 📸

#sarahiltonphotography #lombardphotographer #chicagoeventphotographer #palatinephotographer #lombard #networkingevent #chicagoevents
An inspiring night!

Last year, I had the opportunity to photograph a graduation ceremony for the Illinois high school diploma program at Harper college.  There were a lot of proud graduates and family members, it was so wonderful to be there and capture the excitement! 

#harpercollege #adulteducation #communitycollege #palatineeventphotography
lifestyle, family, seniors & brandingsara hilton photography
NW Suburbs of ChicagoPalatine, IL and the• Serving •
NW Suburbs of ChicagoPalatine, IL and the• Serving •
hello@sarahiltonphotography.comTEL 414.333.1583TOUCHGet in