I stopped in my tracks (well, maybe slammed on my brakes is more accurate) the other day when I took a different way than I usually do. There is a park we often go to, and I had no idea behind the ball fields at this park was an area where mini fields of daffodils bloom! It just looks like little patches, but I knew it could look totally gorgeous!
Of course, I went home to get my camera, long lens, and built-in models to get a few images of this special place before the flowers fade. My longest lens is the 135mm, this lens has great compression and makes the background and foreground look nice and blurry to isolate your subject. It also makes your flower patches look like an entire field!
The kids were more than happy to get out of the house at 7pm, since that is usually their bedtime. The lighting is so perfect at this time of day! I love the soft glow of the sun just out of the frame on these images.
The boys had a great time picking flowers for me. Even though they weren’t as neat as they could’ve been, I saved them all!
We ended the night with a run up the hill to see what the big kids were playing on the sports fields. I took this photo by accident, and I happen to love it! Sometimes an out of focus, imperfect image captures the moment just right.
* Sara Hilton is a Childrens lifestyle photographer in Palatine who specializes in family, children, graduating senior, and maternity photography. Sara is known for beautiful and dramatic outdoor photography, but also offers lifestyle shoots inside client’s homes. Sara currently lives in Palatine with her family: a husband who is gearing up for summer fun, a five year old son who loves to color Sonic pictures, and a two year old son who loves to run for hours outside. Sara is currently booking family, graduating senior, maternity, couple and children sessions in Palatine and all of the surrounding Northwest suburbs of Chicago. *