An inspiring night!
Last year, I had the opportunity to photograph a graduation ceremony for the Illinois high school diploma program at Harper college. There were a lot of proud graduates and family members, it was so wonderful to be there and capture the excitement!
#harpercollege #adulteducation #communitycollege #palatineeventphotography
It’s me, hard at work!
A few years ago, I got serious about posting Instagram reels. I started taking little video clips of myself at the various locations - just in case I didn’t get to take a video of my clients. It’s become a little tradition that I spend January looking over all of the videos I took of myself the previous year, and sharing some. I love that potential clients can see my face, get glimpses of my most used locations, and it will be fun to look back on these later. Thank you to all of my clients who made 2024 so fun and rewarding! I absolutely loved working with all of you. ❤️
2024 has been quite a year! 🎉
I photographed many professionals, several events, worked with three local schools for marketing images, and I even shot a wedding - which I rarely do! Thank you to all the clients that trusted me to capture your families, headshots, events, and schools. It was truly an inspiring year! I still have many fall and winter sessions to share, but until I can make the time to do that, please enjoy a favorite shot from each of my sessions this year, in order! Thank you all ❤️
Love this patch of pines! 🌲
Hard to believe this spot is in a very suburban area when you see the photos! Love the photos, and the family!
#palatineminisessions #palatinephotographer #palatinemoms #chicagofamilyphotographer #buffalogrovephotographer
What a perfect session! 🍁
This location, her hair, the wind…it was a magical time! I can’t wait to share more, check out my Facebook for some other spots and outfits! 😍
#palatinephotographer #glenviewphotographer #glenviewparkdistrict #palatinemoms #chicagoseniorphotographer